Olsen Thielen Advisor Blog

Many government agencies are experiencing staff shortages, but don't assume they have given up on IRS audits of NonProfits!  Staff shortage or not, the IRS continues to scrutinize organizations and conduct audits when deemed necessary. If your organization receives an audit letter, you need to know what the process involves
An operating reserve is a nonprofit's safety net that has the unrestricted and relatively liquid portion of the organization's net assets. Securing this reserve for use in emergencies or simply when your budget falls short is critical to your organization’s security and long-term survival.
There are important board fiduciary duties associated with being on a not-for-profit board.  However, not all board members are aware of their fiduciary responsibilities.  It is important to your nonprofit's financial health and integrity that you help them understand and remind them of their responsibilities.
Watchdog groups and the media have increased their scrutiny and reporting of how much nonprofits spend on programs vs. administration.  As a nonprofit you want to be able to prove that you dedicate most of your resources to your programs. However, accounting rules require that you record the full cost
Have you thought about how cross training staff could benefit your not-for-profit?  What if a senior manager was suddenly forced to take long-term disability leave? Or what if an accounting staffer quit without notice? A sudden personnel change could bring your nonprofit's work to a standstill.  Having someone else on staff set to
Hiring a CFO for your not-for-profit could ease financial responsibilities for your executives and allow them additional time to pursue your organization's mission.  Expanding your organization's mission and growth is directly connected to its financial health and integrity.
Under GAAP Principles (U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) nonprofits are regularly required to evaluate whether there’s “substantial doubt” about their ability to continue as a going concern, which means that the organization won’t soon liquidate its assets and cease operations. What does your management team do if it determines substantial
Not-for-profit organizations need a strategic fundraising plan that works because just having a prominent board of directors, dedicated volunteers, committee staff members and effective programs many times isn't enough to meet fundraising goals.
Collective Impact is an approach where not-for-profits collaborate to take on big issues, such as global warming and economic development.  The hope is that nonprofits will achieve greater change as part of a cross-sector group, rather than as an individual group.
Identify theft is a growing problem for consumers, and the latest tool in the scammers arsenal is the Social Security Phone Scam. 
Avoid unintended consequences by making sure that the beneficiary designations listed on your retirement plan(s), annuities, and IRAs are up to date. Did you know that the named beneficiary takes priority over the beneficiaries named in your Will?
Your 401(k) is extremely important to your future and you need to be proactive to ensure that your 401(k) is well managed.  The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a list of 10 indicators that your retirement plan may be poorly managed.
Owners of a family-owned business many times underestimate the need for a succession plan for their family business. The thinking may be "we’re a family business and there'll always be a family member here to keep the company going and no one will stand in the way." 
According to the KnowBe4 Security Team (www.KnowBe4.com), be on the lookout for a popular robocall scam that is tricking people into believing their Social Security number (SSN) has been suspended.
For start-ups, before you even open the doors, you generally have to spend a lot of money to train workers and pay for rent, utilities, marketing and more. Entrepreneurs sometimes are surprised to find out that many expenses can’t be deducted right away.
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