White Paper
- June 23, 2019
Under GAAP Principles (U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) nonprofits are regularly required to evaluate whether there’s “substantial doubt” about their ability to continue as a going concern, which means that the organization won’t soon liquidate its assets and cease operations. What does your management team do if it determines substantial
- June 20, 2019
Not-for-profit organizations need a strategic fundraising plan that works because just having a prominent board of directors, dedicated volunteers, committee staff members and effective programs many times isn't enough to meet fundraising goals.
- June 19, 2019
Collective Impact is an approach where not-for-profits collaborate to take on big issues, such as global warming and economic development. The hope is that nonprofits will achieve greater change as part of a cross-sector group, rather than as an individual group.
- June 4, 2019
Identify theft is a growing problem for consumers, and the latest tool in the scammers arsenal is the Social Security Phone Scam.
- May 16, 2019
Avoid unintended consequences by making sure that the beneficiary designations listed on your retirement plan(s), annuities, and IRAs are up to date. Did you know that the named beneficiary takes priority over the beneficiaries named in your Will?
- May 16, 2019
Your 401(k) is extremely important to your future and you need to be proactive to ensure that your 401(k) is well managed. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a list of 10 indicators that your retirement plan may be poorly managed.
- May 16, 2019
Owners of a family-owned business many times underestimate the need for a succession plan for their family business. The thinking may be "we’re a family business and there'll always be a family member here to keep the company going and no one will stand in the way."
- April 23, 2019
According to the KnowBe4 Security Team (www.KnowBe4.com), be on the lookout for a popular robocall scam that is tricking people into believing their Social Security number (SSN) has been suspended.
- April 23, 2019
For start-ups, before you even open the doors, you generally have to spend a lot of money to train workers and pay for rent, utilities, marketing and more. Entrepreneurs sometimes are surprised to find out that many expenses can’t be deducted right away.
- April 23, 2019
A nonprofit board retreat is an opportunity for participants to get past the ordinary topics of regular board meetings and delve deeply into specific issues. Most board members lead busy lives and some may not be able to attend all meetings or possibly only attend via teleconference. A carefully planned
- April 11, 2019
With great sadness we announce the passing of a Robert J. Olsen on March 13th. Bob was a terrific business leader, mentor, husband, and father. Bob and Reynold Thielen took the reins of the firm in 1957 and led it through a period of tremendous growth.
- April 4, 2019
All organizations, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, must evolve or they could become obsolete. For-profit organizations tend to react faster to market demands, whereas many not-for-profits continue to run their organization the same way it always has been done in the past. Not-for-profits can learn a few things from the for-profit
- April 2, 2019
Competition is intense for private and public grants to not-for-profits, so it is as important as ever to write a winning grant proposal. Submitting a sloppy and unprofessional grant proposal could undermine your efforts to receive adequate grant money.
- April 2, 2019
Not-for-profit organizations frequently conduct raffles as fundraisers. This popular fundraiser, however, is subject to strict state and federal tax rules. State laws can vary significantly, but nonprofits also must comply with federal income tax requirements such as unrelated business income, reporting and withholding.