White Paper

Typically, businesses want to defer recognition of taxable income into future years and accelerate deductions into the current year. However, sometimes would it be prudent to do the opposite and maybe accelerate and defer?  And why would you want to?
VIDEO: If your business doesn’t already have a retirement plan, now might be a good time to explore the benefits of a tax-favored retirement plan. Current retirement plan rules allow for significant tax-deductible contributions.
Many companies purchase qualified property and then take advantage of the powerful first-year bonus depreciation for manufacturers. These tax write-offs can benefit a manufacturer's cash flow, but claiming them isn't always the best decision. 
A regular audit can reassure donors and other stakeholders that you take seriously your responsibility. Advance audit preparation can make the process a success.
Manufacturers need healthy cash flow to help survive tough times and prosper during better times. Every manufacturer is different, so the right cash flow strategies depend on your situation. Let’s take a look at several strategies that might be right for your manufacturing company.
Company owners frequently ask what costs are deductible if their spouse accompanies them on a business trip. One must remember that the rules for deducting a spouse’s travel costs are very restrictive unless your spouse is a bona fide employee.  This requirement prevents tax deductibility in most cases. 
Cyberattack risks for manufacturers are a threat even though manufacturing companies generally don’t sell products on the Internet or collect credit card numbers and other sensitive customer data.
The simplest way to withdraw cash from closely-held corporations is to distribute the cash as a dividend. However, this isn't tax-efficient because it is taxable to you to the extent of your corporation's "earnings and profits," It is also not deductible by the corporation. But, there are alternate methods.
Many employees have appreciated the opportunity to work from home, but not all of them and some remote workers feel disconnected and isolated. If you plan to make remote working a part of your company, you need ways of keeping remote workers connected to their jobs and colleagues.
Even before COVID-19’s impact on businesses, remote selling for manufacturers was becoming a “new normal.” For several years prior to COVID-19, there was a trend toward digital interactions that were accelerated by the social-distancing environment and now may become permanent.
Sole proprietor tax issues are important considerations for new and existing businesses. In this article are eight important issues to consider.
The Great Resignation has hit not-for-profit organizations hard, and recruiting NFP staff will most likely require you to up your recruiting game. As many for-profit businesses have raised pay and hiring incentives to hire new staff, nonprofits have lost staff.
Two things that business owners need to remember are that deductible expenses & good records can make life easier when filing taxes and help defend the expenses if the IRS conducts an audit. 
If you have started or are contemplating starting a new business, as a new business owner you need to be aware of the implications that affect entrepreneurs and taxes.
When a nonprofit is new, it may struggle to find an adequate number of board members. But as it grows, its board is also likely to grow — sometimes, to an unwieldy size. The important question is: How many nonprofit directors are needed for your organization to effectively pursue its mission?
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