Manufacturing and Distribution

Education benefits help attract, retain and motivate employees. One popular fringe benefit is an education assistance program that allows employees to continue learning and perhaps earn a degree with financial assistance from their employer.
There is a way to make business losses less painful. Using the federal tax code may help soften the blow by allowing businesses to apply losses to offset taxable income in future years, subject to certain limitations.
Every manufacturer is different, but strong cash flow for manufacturing companies is essential throughout the industry.  The right cash flow strategies do, however, depend on your situation. Here are some ideas to improve your cash flow.
Manufacturing cyberattacks are becoming more common and the attacks are designed to disrupt operations and extort money. Here are some ideas to get ahead of the cybercriminals.
Managing accounts payable (A/P) can be challenging for any business. Many organizations have turned to outsourced bill-pay services to add efficiency, security, and accuracy.
Do you know what are the top tax-saving opportunities for manufacturers in 2023? Once your manufacturing company’s 2022 tax return has been filed, you can focus your efforts on reducing its 2023 tax liability.
Now may be the time for your manufacturing company to consider offering employer-provided child care. The Section 45F tax credit can help offset some of the costs.
If you’re seeking opportunities for improving cash flow in your manufacturing company, consider a fixed asset or cost segregation study. Manufacturing is a capital-intensive industry, so it’s critical to ensure that fixed assets are classified properly to recover their costs as quickly as possible.
An employee benefit plan audit is a periodic and independent examination of a company’s benefit plans that are subject to ERISA. If your company currently offers or plans to offer an employee benefit plan, read this article to learn about audit requirements.
Buy-sell agreements are an essential tool for businesses with more than one owner. This type of agreement defines what will happen to the departing owner's share of the business if they leave. Learn about the benefits, key components, and important considerations of a buy-sell agreement for your business.
Understanding nexus is essential for determining a company's tax obligations. However, many businesses are unaware of what establishes nexus and thus are unaware of their tax obligations. Learn about tax nexus and how it may affect your company.
Barring further legislation, certain manufacturing tax laws are in limbo, as key provisions have expired or have begun to phase out. Here are three that could have a significant impact on your company.
Year-end is the traditional time when manufacturers and other business entities conduct productive employee performance reviews. Unfortunately, reviews are often done as quickly as possible, with little thought given to providing the type of feedback to employees that will ultimately help the company achieve its strategic goals.
The tax implications when selling a manufacturing business can impact your tax bill and therefore, your net proceeds from the sale.
Manufacturers need to conduct a periodic review of their buy-sell agreement and modify its language to reflect changing circumstances.
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