New Federal tax law changes are set to take place that could significantly increase the tax liabilities for companies that take part in research and development (R&D) activities.
If your business files 1099 returns for independent contractors, you possibly may receive an information return notice from the IRS. The IRS mails these notices twice a year to businesses and other payers that filed certain returns with information that doesn’t match the agency’s records.
Should you switch from a C-Corporation to S-Corporation? If you are thinking about switching entity types, there are a number of important issues you need to look at before finalizing your decision of which is best in your particular circumstances.
Believe it or not, the federal government is helping to pick up the tab for certain business meals. To help struggling restaurants during the pandemic, the Consolidated Appropriations Act temporarily doubled the business meal deduction for 2021 and 2022.
Typically, businesses want to defer recognition of taxable income into future years and accelerate deductions into the current year. However, sometimes would it be prudent to do the opposite and maybe accelerate and defer? And why would you want to?
Many companies purchase qualified property and then take advantage of the powerful first-year bonus depreciation for manufacturers. These tax write-offs can benefit a manufacturer's cash flow, but claiming them isn't always the best decision.
Manufacturers need healthy cash flow to help survive tough times and prosper during better times. Every manufacturer is different, so the right cash flow strategies depend on your situation. Let’s take a look at several strategies that might be right for your manufacturing company.
Company owners frequently ask what costs are deductible if their spouse accompanies them on a business trip. One must remember that the rules for deducting a spouse’s travel costs are very restrictive unless your spouse is a bona fide employee. This requirement prevents tax deductibility in most cases.
The simplest way to withdraw cash from closely-held corporations is to distribute the cash as a dividend. However, this isn't tax-efficient because it is taxable to you to the extent of your corporation's "earnings and profits," It is also not deductible by the corporation. But, there are alternate methods.
Two things that business owners need to remember are that deductible expenses & good records can make life easier when filing taxes and help defend the expenses if the IRS conducts an audit.
If you have started or are contemplating starting a new business, as a new business owner you need to be aware of the implications that affect entrepreneurs and taxes.
If you are an employer with employees who receive tips, it is possible that you may qualify for an employer tip tax credit for a portion of the tips. Sound too good to be true?
With real estate prices up in some markets, the Section 1031 “like-kind” exchange strategy may be attractive if you want to sell highly appreciated commercial or investment real estate.
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