For 2025, inflation-adjusted changes were made to certain business tax limits. Here’s how much employees can contribute to their 401(k)s and FSAs this year, as well as other important business tax amounts.
Navigating the complexities of payroll taxes is a daunting task for small business owners. Learn how you can streamline your payroll processes by developing strategies to ensure compliance, avoid penalties and maintain employee trust so you can continue to focus on growing your enterprise.
You’re probably familiar with the self-employment tax if you own a business. Here’s a refresher on how it works, how it will increase and whether there’s anything you can do to reduce it.
The standard mileage rate is adjusted annually and calculated based on driving costs, including the price of gas. The IRS announced that the 2025 cents-per-mile rate for the business use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck is 70 cents.
Significant changes to the IRS's 1099-K reporting thresholds are in effect and affect anyone who uses payment apps or online marketplaces. Find out what these updates mean for you and how to navigate the new requirements.
If you’re a small business owner, you want to take full advantage of travel expenses deductions that are allowed for business travel. They can reduce your taxable income. Safe travels and happy deducting!
Business-related meal deductions can be valuable, but the rules can be complex. Under current law, your business can’t deduct most entertainment expenses.
Want to make your real estate work harder for your financial goals? Explore the benefits of a cost segregation study; a tax strategy that can accelerate depreciation deductions and increase short-term cash flow.
Did you know you can now match student loan payments with retirement contributions? Find out how this change can make your benefits package more competitive and appealing.
Year-end tax moves can help small business owners face crucial tax planning decisions that can impact their financial health. This article offers strategic insights to optimize your tax position before ringing in the new year.
The IRS has announced significant inflation adjustments for the 2025 tax year, impacting standard deductions, income tax brackets, and various tax credits. Discover how the updates could affect your tax strategy and financial future.
If you’re the owner of a pass-through entity, the federal income tax rules for gains from the sale of business real estate or vacant land may be more complicated than you thought.
The IRS announced the 2025 401(k) limit increases and issued technical guidance on cost of living adjustments. Read more the see how these increases could affect you.
Many IRS audits are routine. However, taking a meticulous, proactive approach to tracking, documenting and filing your company’s tax-related information will make an audit more manageable if your business is selected.
The 2025 Social Security wage base increase was recently announced by the Social Security Administration. The threshold will increase to $176,100, up from $168,600 in 2024.
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