Not-for-profit organizations frequently conduct raffles as fundraisers. This popular fundraiser, however, is subject to strict state and federal tax rules. State laws can vary significantly, but nonprofits also must comply with federal income tax requirements such as unrelated business income, reporting and withholding.
Financial resources are precious for most not-for-profit organizations and they need to minimize accounting and tax mistakes. It is true that to err is human, but some errors are more consequential and harder to fix than others. Here are some questions you need to ask to avoid common accounting and tax
Religious congregations are not required to file tax returns so they may not have the benefit of regular oversight by independent accountants and also may not be aware of the best practices that should be followed. Without professional accounting oversight, they could be leaving their organizations vulnerable to fraud and
Like many not-for-profits you may use regular member surveys to find out the pressing needs of your members, but if you fail to conduct them strategically means you could end up with useless information. Maximize your next survey’s effectiveness by focusing on your objectives during every stage of the process.
Striving to improve communication and collaboration between a not-for-profit's development and accounting departments can avoid confusion, embarrassment and possibly financial problems. Here are three ways your organization can facilitate cooperation between these two critical functions.
Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance is common in the business world, but not as common at not-for-profit organizations. This type of coverage enables board members to make decisions without fear that they’ll be personally responsible for any related litigation costs.
Offering a 401(k) plan has become a competitive necessity for businesses, but some some employees are so accustomed to having a plan they ignore their 401(k) or at most pay very little attention to it. As a business owner, it's in your best interest to keep your employees engaged
Nonprofit organizations rely on donor gifts to achieve their objectives. There are two kinds of gifts, restricted--that come with conditions attached; and unrestricted, that can be added to general operating funds and used where needed..
Have you ever wondered if leasing or buying equipment would be more tax efficient for your business? Recent changes to federal tax law and accounting rules could affect whether you make the decision to lease or buy equipment or other fixed assets.
Financial warning signs in not-for-profits can be subtle. Board members have a responsibility to recognize signs of financial distress and do everything in their power to avert potential disaster.
The Ides of March, more commonly known as March 15, is the federal income tax filing deadline for "pass-through" entities such as calendar-year partnerships, S corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) treated as partnerships or S corporations for tax purposes.
According to the KnowBe4 Security Team (, the bad guys are developing malicious apps with the hopes of making their way into your mobile device’s app store–and sometimes they’re successful. Recently, over 100,000 people across the globe downloaded applications containing spyware from a reputable app store.
Generally, if a taxpayer exchanges business or investment property solely for business or investment property of a like or similar kind, they don’t need to recognize a gain or loss.
It is important for everyone to be aware that thieves often pose as the IRS to get taxpayers to turn over personal information in a scam called phishing. The type of information thieves are looking for includes requests for PIN numbers, passwords or similar information for credit cards, banks and
Gift cards have become increasingly popular as holiday gifts and sales are expected to reach $30 billion in 2018. Like individuals, businesses also find that gift cards are a convenient way to thank their employees and customers during the holiday season.
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